Wargaming the Future Army, 2023 May 31
31/2023 Conference Briefing Wargaming the Future Army Curt Hudson; Suzanne DeLong; Adwoa Gyekye The MITRE
Corporation 7515 Colshire Drive McLean, VA 22102 PRS-23-1648 Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
Adwoa Gyekye The view, opinions, and/or findings contained in this report are those of The MITRE Corporation
official Government position, policy, or decision, unless designated by other documentation. ©2023 The MITRE
Corporation Wargaming the Future Army
Catalog of Wargaming and Military Simulation Models, 12th Edition, February 1992
Hamilton Brunswick Defense (AMTC) ECAC General Dynamics/Convair Division Georgia Institute of Technology Mitre
Corporation NASA Lewis Research Center Naval Weapons Center Northrop Defense Systems Division Opti?'
/SDAEW GTE Government Systems Corporation Hughes Radar Systms LTV Aerospace Loral Advanced Projocts Mitre
Corporation Naval Weapons Center Northrop Corporation - Aircraft Division SAIC Sanders Associates, Inc
Mitre Corporation NASA Lewis Research Center Naval Air Development Center Naval Weapons Center Naval