SECURE GRID 2009: A DHS-DoE-DoD Joint Exercise, July 2009
Energy Security: A Global Challenge Hosted by: The Institute for National Strategic Studies of The National
Defense University 29-30 September 2009 By SCOTT PUGH Papers presented at NDU Symposia reflect original
PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) National Defense University,Institute for National Strategic
DHS A DHS - - DOE DOE - - DOD Joint Exercise DOD Joint Exercise 9 &10 July 09 9 &10 July 09 Hosted by National
Defense University Hosted by National Defense University
Computer Games and the Military: Two Views, April 2002
Macedonia Center for Technology and National Security Policy The National Defense University (NDU) established
A publication of the Center for Technology and National Security Policy National Defense University A
PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) National Defense University Center for Technology and
Security Policy through the Publication Directorate of the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National
Defense University.
Transformation Strategy: Output and Insights from Game IV, 1998 December
TRANSFORMATION STRATEGY OUTPUT & INSIGHTS FROM GAME IV Game Conducted June 22-24, 1998 at The National
Defense University Washington, DC Game and Insights developed by The Center for Strategic and Budgetary
Introduction BACKGROUND The fourth policy-planning game in the 'Transformation Strategy" se�es was held at the National
Defense University, Washington, DC, during the period June 22·24, 1998.
Who How Transformation Strategy Game IV OSDINA Transformetion Stnt�l"fJY Series National Defense University
Conceptual Design and Development of Joint Service Wargame, 1982 June
Pustay, President of the National Defense University (ND), stated that courses for senior officers should
in war gaming and do it on a joint basis involving not only the Army and Air Force, but the Navy and National
Defense University as well.
Pustay, President of the National Defense University, at the USOIC, Carlisle Barracks, 8 Dec 1981. 6
The Naval War College (NWtC and National Defense University requirements provide a final note in this
Catalog of Simulation Models and Wargames Used for Unit and Leader Training, 1987 January
UNITED STATES Joint Analysis Directorate (JAD), OJCS JTLS 109 US Readiness Command (USREDCOM) JESS 107 National
Defense University (NDU) SAS 155 SUWAM III 171 Director, Net Assessment (ONA), OSD, The Pentagon SAS
Program, as well as the Army War College, Warrior Preparation Center, Air War College, Naval War College, National
Defense University POINTS OF CONTACT: (Proponent) LtCol J.
Simulation - Automated MODEL CATEGORY: Conflict other than strategic nuclear/multi-theater PROPONENT: National