Global War Game Second Series 1984-1998, 1998
Date : 1998 -
Creator/Contributor : Gile, Robert H. [Author] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
The pre-hostilities phase, transition to war and initial fighting were gamed at the National Defense
University (NDU) in Globex-82.
Air University Army School of Command and Staff Army War College National Defense University Naval War
Audit Report: Wargaming Activities in the Department of Defense, 1988
Date : 1988, 1989 -
Creator/Contributor : United States. Department of Defense [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
We visited the three Military Department colleges, the National Defense University, and seven wargaming
Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Joint Staff, the Army and Navy War Colleges, the Air University, the National
Defense University, and seven other wargaming centers and support activ- ities.
For example, Phase II would allow joint wargaming with the Army and Naval War Colleges, the National
Defense University, and others, but memorandums of agreement, related feasibility studies, and joint
FY03 Wargaming Assessment Report, December 2003
Date : December 2003 -
Creator/Contributor : Caffrey, Matthew B., Jr. [Author] , Sorice, Justin E. [Author] , United States. Air Force [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
SABER: A Theater Wargame, March 1991
Date : March 1991 -
Creator/Contributor : Mann, William F. [Author] , Air Force Institute of Technology (U.S.) [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Searching for Order Within Chaos: Complexity Theory's Implications to Intelligence Support During Joint Operational Planning, 2017 June 9
Date : 2017 June 9 -
Creator/Contributor : Flores, Ricardo S. [Author] , U.S. Army Command and General Staff College [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Deployability of the IBCT in 96 Hours: Fact or Myth?, 2002 May 15
Date : 2002 May 15 -
Creator/Contributor : Brockman, Jonathan B. [Author] , U.S. Army Command and General Staff College [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
College, The Joint Staff Officer’s Guide 2000 -JFSC Pub 1, The Joint Staff Officer’s Guide (Norfolk: National
Defense University, 2000), 4-56.
speed is 27 knots per hour and an LMSR’s speed is 23 knots per hour 26 82 Armed Forces Staff College, National
Defense University, Joint Planning Orientation Course (JPOC), Lesson 10 – Transportation Planning, located
Armed Forces Staff College, National Defense University.
Wargaming in Support of Command, Control and Communications Experiments, March 1992
Date : March 1992 -
Creator/Contributor : Sherfey, Linda M. [Author] , Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.) [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
(National Defense University, 1986, Volume I, p.
facilities: size, vulnerdbility, mobility, level of capability (to determine response time), and capacity (National
Defense University, 1987, p. 11-4). 43
National Defense University Report DAH32-84-C-0029, Senior Service School C31 Assessment, 31 March 1986
National Defense University, Assessment Of C31 In Military Games And Simulations, Vol I: Surveys And
Beyond the Black Box: An Assessment of Strategic War Gaming, December 1987
Date : December 1987 -
Creator/Contributor : Mobley, Arthur Scott Jr. [Author] , Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.) [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Lawrence, President of the National Defense University, remarked: As a pedagogical tool, wargaming has
Browning, 1984, p. 111) Prominent examples of global gaming are found at two S service colleges: the National
Defense University in Washington D.C., home of the Proud Prophet games; and the Naval War College in
Might, USAF 1 National Defense University War Gaming and Simulation Center Ft. Lesley J.
Converting the JNEM Training Aid to a Forecasting Tool, 2008 December 5
Date : 2008 December 5 -
Creator/Contributor : Ripley, Royal S. [Author] , U.S. Army Command and General Staff College [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Czerwinski, Coping with the Bounds: Speculations on Non-Linearity in Military Affairs (Washington DC: National
Defense University, 1998), 2. 22 Ibid., 12. 23 Ryan, Interview 11
Complexity, Global Politics, and National Security, (Washington, DC: National Defense University, 1999
Washington, DC: National Defense University, 1999. Atwood, Dale. "Interview."
Washington DC: National Defense University, 1998. DeMike, Mark. "Interview."
Return to Twilight: A Model of Great Power Rivalry, 2022 June 10
Date : 2022 June 10 -
Creator/Contributor : U.S. Army Command and General Staff College [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document