Exercise Reports, 1956 August 31
Date : 1956 August 31 -
Creator/Contributor : North Atlantic Treaty Organization [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
A Report by the Standing Group to the Military Committee on NATO Exercises, 1957 May 16
Date : 1957 May 16 -
Creator/Contributor : North Atlantic Treaty Organization [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
A Report by the Military Committee on NATO Exercises 1959, 1960 July 22
Date : 1960 July 22 -
Creator/Contributor : North Atlantic Treaty Organization [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Expanding Simulations as a Means of Tactical Training With Multinational Partners, 2017 June 9
Date : 2017 June 9 -
Creator/Contributor : Eagen, Andrew S. [Author] , U.S. Army Command and General Staff College [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
environment LFX Live Fire Exercise LVC-IA Live, Virtual, Constructive-Integrated Architecture NATO North
Atlantic Treaty Organization NMS National Military Strategy OCONUS Outside the Continental United States
The heads of government representing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) met in early July
Continued evidence of where NATO focus in capabilities development 32 Pullen, 2. 33 Ibid., 5. 34 North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), “Warsaw Summit Communiqué,” 3 August 2016, accessed 3 November
CARPATHIANS' EAGLES: Simulating Airmobile Operations in Romanian Mountainous Terrain, 2019 June 14
Date : 2019 June 14 -
Creator/Contributor : Popescu, Ovidiu [Author] , U.S. Army Command and General Staff College [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Landing Zone ID Identification Kg Kilogram Km/h Kilometer/hour LZ Landing Zone Mm Millimeters NATO North
Atlantic Treaty Organization PZ Pick-up zone U.S.
Romania allocated two percent of its Gross Domestic Product to the defense sector, 4 ensuring that the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization expectations were met.
22 doctrine instead of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization doctrine is that the latter one is classified
Rebels and States: A Game of Revolution and Dominance, 2020 December
Date : 2020 December -
Creator/Contributor : Hill, Richard T. [Author] , Hirtz, Derek [Author] , Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.) [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Large Scale Combat Operations MCOO Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay MDO Multi-Domain Operations NATO North
Atlantic Treaty Organization OE Operational Environment OEF-P Operation Enduring Freedom- Philippines
Multilayer Wargames: Lessons from Gaming Intermediate Force Capabilities, 2023
Date : 2023 -
Creator/Contributor : North Atlantic Treaty Organization [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
2010 Methodology for Assessing Disruptions (MAD) Game Part 1, December 2012
Date : December 2012 -
Creator/Contributor : Adlakha-Hutcheon, Gitanjali [Author] , Hazen, Mark [Author] , Hubbard, Paul [Author] , Canada. Department of National Defence [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Global War Game: The First Five Years, 1993
Date : 1993 -
Creator/Contributor : Hay, Bud [Author] , Gile, Robert H. [Author] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Audit Report: Wargaming Activities in the Department of Defense, 1988
Date : 1988, 1989 -
Creator/Contributor : United States. Department of Defense [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Government by North Atlantic Treaty Organization nations participating in wargaming exercises at the
That agreement executed on behalf of allied countries in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should
Warrior Preparation Center's (the Center's) plans to expand facilities for wargaming activities involving North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) nations could not be supported based on current operations or future
Government is reimbursed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization nations that participate in wargaming