A Command and Control Wargame to Train Officers in the Integration of Tactics and Logistics in a Field Artillery Battalion, March 1989
March 1989
Due to peacetime training limitations, the integration of tactics and logistics as it relates to the command and control of a field artillery battalion cannot be easily practiced. This thesis presents a computer assisted wargame which will give battalion staff officers some experience in dealing with this shortcoming. The wargame emphasizes the decision maker in the command and control system. Specifically, this wargame forces the decision maker to consider numerous tactics / logistics interface issues and then make a series of command and control type decisions. At the end of each game, the player's performance is evaluated in terms of howitzer availability time, casualty rates, vulnerability rates, and ammunition optimization. The wargame itself is highly flexible and is capable of being played in support of a full scale battalion command post exercise or during weekly officer professional development time.
Archival processing title
A Command and Control Wargame to Train Officers in the Integration of Tactics and Logistics in a Field Artillery Battalion
A Command and Control Wargame to Train Officers in the Integration of Tactics and Logistics in a Field Artillery Battalion, March 1989, https://n2t.net/ark:/54723/h39882x2w