GAS ATTACK: Simulating Large-Scale Chemical Warfare at the Second Battle of the Marne, 1918
2019 June 14
This wargame thesis seeks to answer the question: 'Can the employment of chemical weapons be effectively represented to illustrate its impact on maneuver in large-scale combat operations in a competitive wargame set in a scenario from World War One?' The United States has not effectively experienced chemical since World War One, but the threat heightens in the context of large-scale combat. The 2nd Battle of the Marne on the western front from around 14 July 1918 to 6 August 1918 is an optimal scenario for a wargame because it features peer level adversaries employing chemical warfare on a large scale to support maneuver operations. Research and experimentation with various existing wargames and models inspired the development of mechanics and key aspects of the wargame that create a functional, playable, and adaptable simulation. The wargame's foundation is based on historical research on the 2nd Battle of the Marne and data on German and American capabilities in 1918 during World War One. The author selected key aspects of the historical data based on warfighting functions, applied gaming mechanics, and adjusted balancing in order to create a competitive wargame.
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GAS ATTACK: Simulating Large-Scale Chemical Warfare at the Second Battle of the Marne, 1918