Game Report Global ’08, U.S. Navy Title X War Game 'Implementing the Maritime Strategy', March 2009
March 2009
During the period 4-8 August 2008, the Navy’s Title X War Game, Global ’08, was held at the Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, Rhode Island. The game focused on developing insights regarding the capabilities, capacities, and risks associated with implementation of A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower (CS 21). The game organizers assigned over 190 participants, including representatives from 19 foreign navies, to one of seven cells (six regional and one global), asking them to “parachute” into one of four alternative futures and consider a series of questions dealing with security threats, maritime roles and tasks, concepts, and capabilities for responding to the challenges arising in these futures. Initially developed for the Navy Strategic Planning Process (NSPP), the four futures were functions of two primary drivers: extremism and resource rivalry. The futures were not intended to be either comprehensive or predictive.
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Game Report Global ’08, U.S. Navy Title X War Game 'Implementing the Maritime Strategy'