On Distributed Wargaming in Operational C2 Systems Using Object-Oriented Programming Languages, June 1985
June 1985
Distributed War Gaming (DWG) is the interactive simulation of military systems employing their command and control (C2) - systems and the data processing capabilities of their headquarters. Using land-warfare as an * example, a conceptual framework for the development of DWG-systems is provided which is based on the utilization of object-oriented software systems. In contrast to traditional software, these systems invoke the- transformation of data by messages between objects which specify the transformation to be performed by the addressed object. When defining the system to be modelled, the analyst needs to be concerned with the reaction of individual objects to local messages only. The dynamics of complex systems are the results of the propagation of local messages to its individual elements. Based on a brief description of the basic principles behind object- oriented languages, a classification of objects and their attributes in a land-wargame is discussed and a definition of object behaviors is illustrated. Eight basic types of messages for a DWG and their formats are proposed, as is an algorithm for the synchronization of distributed simulations in DWG.
Archival processing title
On Distributed Wargaming in Operational C2 Systems Using Object-Oriented Programming Languages