Report of Crisis Simulation Exercise November 30, 2009 – EFSA, Parma, 2009 November 30
2009 November 30
CRISMART was asked by EFSA to conduct a crisis simulation exercise on November 30, 2009. The exercise lasted from 09:00 to 14:00 and ended with a debriefing of the players from 14.00-15.00. The scenario was based on the July 7, 2009 exercise and was centred on a parathion contamination communicated during one video and two telephone conferences. The aim of the exercise was described as follows: The aim of the exercise was to practise communication procedures between EFSA, the European Commission, and the Members States (through the Advisory Forum and the Advisory Forum Communications Working Group). The aim was broken down into two objectives, where the first one was to test EFSA’s ability to communicate scientific output to Members States (MS) and the European Commission (EC), react to feedback, and coordinate communication. The other objective was to test EFSA’s technical capacity to communicate with the MS and EC through video-/telephone-conferences, emails and telephone calls.
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Report of Crisis Simulation Exercise November 30, 2009 – EFSA, Parma