Operation Research War Game CONTINGENCIES includes a German investigative study tasked with investigating possible conflict situations in the Central Europe area that would require an immediate response by the armed forces. These were cases that were not yet covered or not sufficiently covered by the current defence plans because their extent, intensity and warning time were less than the aggressions covered by the GDPs. The aim of the study was therefore to consider the conceivable cases of hostile aggression after space, time and forces as well as probable objectives, and to examine the possible defensive measures and prospects of success for individual cases and to implement them in response plans. When considering the enemy, it was assumed that the enemy military aggression represents a limited conflict (1 regiment up to 15 divisions), the enemy attack occurs without or with only a short warning time/unexpectedly, the enemy air forces are used primarily to support the land forces, and/or the enemy action is directed only against a part of the Federal Republic of Germany.