WARRIORS EDGE Simulation and Gaming System The Squad Simulation, August 2005
August 2005
In August 2004, the United States Army Research Laboratory (ARL) (ARL) participated in a technology development effort to insert web-based information technologies into military operations. The exercise, sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), was the second year of the Horizontal Fusion portfolio. ARL was responsible for Army Urban Operations. Called WARRIORS EDGE (WE), technologies showcased this year by ARL included micro robots, sensors, integrated soldier sensor/communications backpacks, mobile networking, and local-to-global information fusion and multilevel security. The WE exercise consisted of 15 soldiers representing a dismounted infantry platoon. The 15 live soldiers were comprised of a platoon headquarters section with a rifle squad. The adjacent squads were simulated using a computer game called SquadSim. The game software simulated a dismounted infantry rifle squad composed of a squad leader and two fire teams. The squad leader was played by a subject matter expert (SME). The SME controlled the squad leader using the computer interface to the SquadSim. The fire teams reacted to the squad leader’s actions using computer-generated forces logic. This report describes the game software developed for the second year of the ARL WE.
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WARRIORS EDGE Simulation and Gaming System The Squad Simulation