Japanese Chess (Sho-ngi) The Science and Art of War or Struggle Philosophically Treated, 1905
Inspired by the grand economy of the nature which reveals itself into the causes and effects governing all things from the universe down to molecular existences, admiring the almost incomprehensible foresight, clear plans and diplomatic movements of Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and that sort of personages, and the tactics and strategy of George Washington those who won the victory in a colossal chess game of humanity in which they stood for the side of pure democracy; thus inspired, while the little Japanese of the small little island Empire are contesting with the gigantic and most puissant Russian Autocrat, the writer dares say that it is not merely a great number of population, nor enormous amount of pecuniary wealth, nor an immensely extensive territory, nora considerable superiority of naval and military materiels, nor all these conditions put together that one belligerent power compels another to do what the former wants. It is a union of minds and hearts, others being equal, on the part of the people whose each protects the other, and who support one another according to causes and effects of predestination that one group of men wins over the other. How the thirteen young colonies did cause the powerful fatherland to succumb at the mercy of their will? We know it perfectly well.
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Japanese Chess (Sho-ngi) The Science and Art of War or Struggle Philosophically Treated