Exploring Fog of War Concepts in Wargame Scenarios, March 2021
expressed in this document are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United
States Air Force, the United States Department of Defense or the United States Government.
Integrated Planning aRchitecture. 28, 29 ROE rules of engagement. 5 TDOA Time Difference of Arrival. 24 USAF United
States Air Force. 15 WKF Warlock Framework. 21, 22 xii
United States Air Force (USAF) Colonel John Boyd theorized the OODA loop to originally express an approach
Communications Processor for C(3) Analysis and Wargaming, 1982 March
i on unlimited Communications Processor for C3 Analysis ana Gaming fcy Lloyd Neil Claris: Captain, United
States Air Force B.S., Chic State University, 1975 M.A., Webster College, 1978 Larry Douglas Pless Captain
, United States Air Fcrce B.S., University of Missouri, 1970 Robert Lee Rapp Major, United States Air
Force B.S., University of Louisville, 1967 M.S., University of Southern California, 1979 Submitted in
Air Base Ground Defense Wargame: Study of a Security Police Training Device, 1987 September
do not necessarily reflect the views of the School of Systems and Logistics, the Air University# the United
States Air Force* or the Department of Defense.
In the law enforcement mission, members of the career field provide protection for United States Air
Force (USAF) resources and maintain law and order on Air Force installations (22:2-3).