The Wargaming Commodity Course of Action Automated Analysis Method, March 2021
Due to a lack of training and the slow behavior of these tools, the United States Army says that wargaming
Issues relating to time management led to this reflection by the United States Army on COA wargaming:
John Surdu explains how simulations can be used for United States Army command posts in the future to
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) project, intended to develop decision-making support systems for United
States Army commanders [33].
Military Exercises: Political Messaging and Strategic Impact, 2013
In autumn 1963, the United States Army in Europe conducted large field manoeuvres in Hesse with West
after Egypt’s January 2011 Revolution, Fort Leav- enworth, Kansas: School of Advanced Military Studies, United
States Army Command and General Staff College, 2011, pp. 30-31. 47 Sergio Fabbrini and Amr Yossef, ‘