Audit Report: Wargaming Activities in the Department of Defense, 1988
Date : 1988, 1989 -
Creator/Contributor : United States. Department of Defense [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Preparation Center was initially funded by the Commander in Chief, United States Air Force in Europe; the United
States Army, Europe participated in directing operations of the Center.
initially funded by the Commander in Chief, United States Air Forces in Europe with participation by the United
States Army, Europe in directing its operations.
Catalog of Simulation Models and Wargames Used for Unit and Leader Training, 1987 January
Date : 1987 January -
Creator/Contributor : Grant, Edward P. [Author] , United States. Department of Defense [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Prepared by the Office of The Deputy Undersecretary of the Army (Operations Research). r United States
Army Training Suport Center Bulletin ATSC Number 84-1, 1984.
Headquarters, United States Army Training Support Center, Fort Eustis, Virginia.
ATZL-TAS Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027 (913) 684-3189 Autovon 552-3189 KEYWORD LISTING: N/A CATALOG LISTING: United
States Army Training Support Center Bulletin Number 84-1.
Catalog of Wargaming and Military Simulation Models, 12th Edition, February 1992
Date : February 1992 -
Creator/Contributor : United States. Department of Defense [Issuing body] , United States. Joint Chiefs of Staff [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Usrer: United States Army.
PROPONENT: United States Army Chemical School (USACMLS), ATTN: ATZN-CM-CC, Ft.
PROPONENT: Joint Theater Missile Defense Program Office (JTMDPO), United States Army Strategic Defense
currently us•.y it: - JTMDPO, USASDC, in the Advanced Research Center (ARC), Huntsville, Alabama - United
States Army Missile Command (USAMICOM), Redstone Arsenal, Alabama - United States Army Air Defense Artillery
Catalog of Wargaming and Military Simulation Models, 6th Edition, June 1975
Date : June 1975 -
Creator/Contributor : United States. Department of Defense [Issuing body] , United States. Joint Chiefs of Staff [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
., CINCPAC and C0MUSK0REA POINT OF CONTACT : UNIVAC version - United States Army Concepts Analysis Agency
USERS : USCAA point OF CONTACT: MISCELLANEOUS United States Army Concepts and Analysis Agen y 8120 Woodmont
Catalog of Wargaming and Military Simulation Models, 7th Edition, August 1977
Date : August 1977 -
Creator/Contributor : United States. Department of Defense [Issuing body] , United States. Joint Chiefs of Staff [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Catalog of Wargaming and Military Simulation Models, 8th Edition, January 1980
Date : January 1980 -
Creator/Contributor : United States. Department of Defense [Issuing body] , United States. Joint Chiefs of Staff [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document