The World Bank Crisis Simulation Exercise Handbook, 2023
Date : 2023 -
Creator/Contributor : World Bank [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
The author thanks him for his vital contributions to the handbook and continued collaboration.
The author is grateful to the following peer reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions: Valeria
The author also thanks Padmashree Sidarth and Pramita Moni Sengupta (World Bank, FIRST Initiative Trust
Report of Crisis Simulation Exercise November 30, 2009 – EFSA, Parma, 2009 November 30
Date : 2009 November 30 -
Creator/Contributor : Olsson, Eva-Karin [Author] , Florin, Sophie [Author] , European Food Safety Authority [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
For procurement The present document has been produced and adopted by the bodies identified above as author
This task has been carried out exclusively by the author(s) in the context of a contract between the
European Food Safety Authority and the author(s), awarded following a tender procedure.
For procurement The present document has been produced and adopted by the bodies identified above as author
This task has been carried out exclusively by the author(s) in the context of a contract between the
Report of the IV Crisis Simulation Exercise, 2011
Date : 2011 -
Creator/Contributor : Collison, Kate [Author] , European Food Safety Authority [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
For procu The pres carried o author(s) principle EFSA res documen urement sent document h ut exclusively
b ), awarded follow to which the Eu serves its rights nt, without preju has been produc by the author
identified abov ween the Europ ent is published ay not be consid ressed and the f the 2011 IV C ve as author
28 For procu The pres carried o author(s) principle EFSA res documen urement sent document h ut exclusively
b ), awarded follow to which the Eu serves its rights nt, without preju has been produc by the author
Computer Assisted Map Maneuver System (CAMMS): A Combined Arms Wargame Simulation, 1977 April
Date : 1977 April -
Creator/Contributor : Childs, Ernest Lincoln [Author] , University of Louisville [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
imulation titled ~O MPUTER ASSISTED MAP MANEUVER SYSTEM / This simulat ion system was developed by the author
ACKNOW LEDGMENTS The author grateful ly acknowleges the assistance of Captain Robert J.
The author was given the task of developing a new system from scratch using as little of the original
It occured to the author that since the system was running remote from the computer time sharing service
5 - 5-- r ~~- - ~- — --—~~—~— —— - - __ - - 13 A trip to the CATTS facilities was arranged for the author
American Naval Policy Plans and Operations in the Second Decade of the Twentyfirst Century, 2017 January
Date : 2017 January -
Creator/Contributor : Swartz, Peter M. [Author] , Center for Naval Analyses [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
CNA CNA’s Occasional Paper series is published by CNA, but the opinions expressed are those of the author
The author is a longtime contributor to, advisor on, and observer of US Navy strategy and policy, and
Century Seapower, finally signed and published in March 2015, and includes suggestions made by the author
It is reproduced here by the kind permission of the editors and publisher, to whom the author and CNA
A Political-Military Game of Protracted Conventional War in Europe, 1990 June
Date : 1990 June -
Creator/Contributor : United States. Office of the Secretary of Defense for Net Assessment [Issuing body] , Rand Corporation [Author] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
History of the Appearance and Development of the War Game in the Russian Army (1824-1905), 2014
Date : 2014 -
Creator/Contributor : Alpeev, Oleg Evgenievich [Author] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
The author reveals the influ- ence of the military- theoretical thought on this process, analyzes the
The author reveals the influence of the military- theoretical thought on this process, analyzes the main
For a war game to become an effective exercise in applied tactics and strategy, the author came to the
The author insisted that the training should end before the clash of the main forces, but before this
The author recommended taking into account the results of the most important collisions “as data necessary
Summary VWA Incident and Crisis Management Manual Version 3.0, 2009 March 27
Date : 2009 March 27 -
Creator/Contributor : European Food Safety Authority [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Kuwait to South Asia: the Challenges to Strategic Deployment, 2004 May 26
Date : 2004 May 26 -
Creator/Contributor : Nelson, John S. [Author] , U.S. Army Command and General Staff College [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Both the simulation results and the statistics from recent deployments allow the author to draw conclusions
Ultimately, the author concludes that re- deploying a US Army heavy force package inter-theater from
The author realizes that this statement is ambiguous and bears further study/research as it stands by
Either way, the author just wants to demonstrate the understanding of ambiguity and utilize the goal
simulation business rules were set at 5 x days from Early Arrival Date to LAD for aerial deliveries. 65 The author
Deployability of the IBCT in 96 Hours: Fact or Myth?, 2002 May 15
Date : 2002 May 15 -
Creator/Contributor : Brockman, Jonathan B. [Author] , U.S. Army Command and General Staff College [Issuing body] -
Digital Object Type : PDF document
Furthermore, the author determined it necessary to examine sealift as a viable alternative to transporting
Furthermore, in the Army’s design of this force, the author could not find any evidence that sealift
The author gathered empirical evidence of the deployment of the IBCT using the Joint Flow Analysis System
Based on the simulation results, the author recommends that the Army should rely on a combination of